Getting smart? a research note into smart tourism curriculum and implications on Generation Alpha and Beta
公開日 2023年06月05日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)のAaron Tham客員フェロー(University of the Sunshine Coast)とCTR専任研究員であるHusna Zainal Abidin特任講師による論文が、学術誌「Journal of Smart Tourism」に掲載されました。
Getting smart? a research note into smart tourism curriculum and implications on Generation Alpha and Beta
Aaron Tham, School of Business and Creative Industries, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Husna Zainal-Abidin, Center for Tourism Research, Wakayama University, Wakayama-City, Japan
Journal of Smart Tourism, Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023) 35-39
This research note probes the largely ignored sphere of smart tourism curriculum as destinations and institutions seek to develop graduates ready to embrace the demands and challenges of future work environments where technology has a ubiquitous presence. This knowledge gap is somewhat surprising, even as destinations progress towards smart tourism futures, without necessarily clarifying what human resources need to possess in the coming decades. Drawing from available smart tourism curriculum across the globe, and emergent trends associated with Generation Alpha and Beta, this research note paints a timely picture of how smart tourism curriculum should be designed and developed to meet the needs of industry and consumer demands and expectations.
Smart tourism education, Future workforce, Smart human resource management